Fulling Mill Must Have Hare’s Ears

Die "Must Have“-Auswahl an goldgerippten Hasenohr-Nymphen enthält 11 der beliebtesten Muster aus dem Fulling Mill-Sortiment.



  • 173312 - Weighted Olive GRHE S12 x1
  • 173314 - Weighted Olive GRHE S14 x1
  • 173012 - Weighted Black GRHE S12 x1
  • 173014 - Weighted Black GRHE S14 x1
  • 167012 - GRHE S12 x1
  • 162112 - Natural Gold Nugget GRHE S12 x1
  • 162212 - Olive Gold Nugget GRHE S12 x1
  • 162214 - Olive Gold Nugget GRHE S14 x1
  • 171210 - Weighted Natural GRHE S10 x1
  • 171212 - Weighted Natural GRHE S12 x1
  • 1712104 - Weighted Natural GRHE S14 x1


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